AI automated business model generator
20+ business models AI generated to inspire your strategic planning including: Business Model Canvas, SWOT & Five Forces.
Business Model Canvas

AI automated business model generator
20+ business models AI generated to inspire your strategic planning including: Business Model Canvas, SWOT & Five Forces.


Business Model Canvas

Powerful AI Automation Expands Your Ideas

AI automation boosts your strategic thinking. Create awesome business models and strategic frameworks. Combine AI generated strategies with your ideas to turbo-charge your business plans.

Built For Purpose User Interface

Combine the power of AI business model generation with our easy built for purpose strategic templates. No messing around with clunky drawing apps not built for the task.

20+ Business Models Generated Automatically

All your favourite business models & strategic frameworks auto-generated:
Business Model Canvas, SWOT Analysis, Lean Canvas, Ansoff Matrix, BCG Matrix, Five Forces, Gartner Magic Quad, Generic Strategies, PEST & many more.

Easy Export

Export your business models and do what you want with them. No annoying watermarks here. Drop them into an email, paste into a report, print for your team.

Easy to Use

We hold your hand through all your strategic modelling with clear guidance all the way and detailed explanation of the strategic frameworks.


No constraints, any platform, anytime. Generate your strategic framework when and where you want. Get out of the office and get inspired on any device.

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